Collect and go

The natural choice for small contractors or home DIY projects

We provide a comprehensive range of aggregate and asphalt products that have many uses including general construction fills and driveways. Products can be either delivered or you can collect them yourself. Please see below for our plant locations and what you can get from each.

Collect & Go Units

Northampton Asphalt Plant
41 Crow Lane
Great Billing
Northampton NN3 8BZ

(Collections of Asphalt, small quantities of drystone & wide range of Ancillary Items)

Ettingshall Asphalt Plant
Spring Road
Wolverhampton WV4 6JP

(Collections of Asphalt, small quantities of drystone & wide range of Ancillary Items)

Griff Asphalt Plant
Gipsy Lane
Warks CV10 7PH

(Collections of Asphalt & small quantities of Aggregates)

Groby Asphalt Plant
Newtown Linford Lane
Leics LE6 0EA

(Collections of Asphalt & small quantities of Aggregates. Ancillary items - 20 PCC Chips(bags), Leotak, H4 Compound & Bitukold)

Cliffe Hill Quarry
Battleflat Lane
Leics LE67 1FA

(Collections (& deliveries of Aggregates) & deliveries of Asphalt (for collections of Asphalt see Groby Asphalt Plant))

Clee Hill Quarry
Ludlow Rd

(Collections (& deliveries of Aggregates) - (for collections of Asphalt see Groby Asphalt Plant))

For Prices: Tel 0330 1232061 or email
For orders with a credit account:  Tel 0330 1232062 
For Orders (Card payment only):  Tel 0330 1232061 or email

NB – Ettingshall can take card payments in the Weighbridge but it is advisable to use the above telephone number for Card Payments to pre-add your orders where possible for Non account sales. 
Account customers can collect without pre-ordering from Ettingshall, Northampton and Groby. Any other unit again please use the above telephone numbers or email addresses.

If you know what product you want

Speak to Sales for a price on 0330 123 2061 or email  or request a call back from Sales at a time convenient to you.

Know which product you want but not how much of it you need?

Our tonnage calculator below will help you estimate how many tonnes of material you need to order.

If you are unsure of which product is most suitable for your project contact:

Our Technical team on email

If you would prefer they can contact you at a time of your convenience request a call back from Technical

What else is available?

Our units also stock a wide range of ancillary products which include, gloves, rakes, PPE, tarpaulins etc

How do I pay for the products?

Payment can be made over the phone by credit/debit cards or paid at you MQP office/quarry. All orders must be paid for in advance for collections or deliveries.

Credit/Debit Card